Collection: PEPPERS

Peppers are one of the oldest vegetables in the world (3400 BC). Peppers add taste and texture to many dishes as well as providing high amounts of vitamin A & C, especially when fully matured.

CULTURE: Peppers are warm season plants, sensitive to cold temperatures and drought conditions. Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost is gone and night time temperatures are about 10C. Cool night temperatures will delay growth and fruit set.Temperatures below 5C can stop growth permanently

 Almost any warm soil can be used to grow peppers. pH 6.5-7.2

FERTILITY: Peppers need constant moisture and uniform nutrients for good yields. Excessive nitrogen can cause large plants with no fruit. We recommend using a slow release 4-10-12. Calcium can reduce blossom end rot.

GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 75-85F/25-30C. Poor germination is a result of too cool or erratic temperatures. Grow on at 70F/21C. SPACING: We use twin rows 40" apart with plants spaced 14-16" apart.

PESTS: Tarnished Plant Bug - stings the blossoms causing fruit to drop when forming. Cover with a row cover or insect netting when flowers begin to bloom. Peppers do not require insect pollination.


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